Year 4

A Typical Year 4 Day
Children are expected to arrive at school by 8:45am with morning lessons commencing at 8:55am. Spelling, Guided Reading, Literacy and Maths are all taught every morning, five times a week with their afternoon lessons varying from day to day to include Geography, Science, P.E., PSHE, History, Art, D and T and many other exciting subjects.
Every classroom has a current timetable up on their class noticeboard so that the children know what to expect from each day.
What to Bring
In Year 4, children should bring their bookbag into school every day with their current reading book and reading diary.
They should wear their P.E kit to school on both a Monday and Wednesday, ensuring that it is smart and follows the school colours.
Year 4 Homework is set on a Friday and is due back in on a Wednesday. Instructions for completing homework, including guidelines on presentation, is included on the homework sheets which are sent home each half-term.
Our weekly spelling test and times table test is also on a Friday and the children will be given their new list of words to learn as part of their homework.
Year 4 Expectations
In Year 4, we expect the children to develop and mature as independent learners. The children are given greater responsibility and are expected to be organised – they even have their own lockers where they can store their personal belongings!
The Year 4 team encourage the children to read at home at least five times a week and to practise their times tables as much as possible. It is expected that by the end of Year 4, that all children should be able to recall their times tables up to 12 x 12. Children sit a statutory test called the Multiplication Times Table Check (MTC) in June to assess their knowledge. Please speak to a member of the Year 4 team if you want more information on this.
The children will be supported throughout the year via interventions, catch-up sessions and after-school clubs as well as the usual high-quality teaching all children receive in the year group.
At home, parents and carers can also do their bit by:
Simply asking, ‘What have you learnt today?’
Listening to their child read 5 times a week and ask questions about the book they are reading
Testing them on their weekly spellings
Practising times tables! Counting in multiples up and down the stairs, playing times tables games and playing on TTRS are all great ways to help.
Supporting them with their weekly homework
Trips and Opportunities
Throughout the year, the children get the opportunity to experience some wonderful trips and events at school.
In the Spring or Summer term, children get the opportunity to take part in a two night residential at Beaumanor Hall. During their stay, children take part in several adventurous activities including canoeing, climbing, archery and orienteering. It truly is a highlight of Year 4 for many of the children.
We also celebrate diversity by visiting places of workshop including a local Mosque, Gurdwara and Church.
It is not only out of the classroom where the children get to experience lots of fun learning opportunities. In Year 4, the opportunities for learning are endless and include:
Designing and making structures in DT
Adapting a recipe to make their own biscuits in DT
Teaching the rest of the school about Easter with our special assembly
Exploring different historical periods including the Vikings and the Ancient Egyptians
Working collaboratively in computing using Google software
Sports Clubs and Competitions in P.E
As with all year groups at Inglehurst, it is expected that your child attends school every day with any necessary absences being reported to the office as soon as possible. Each day in school is a new opportunity for learning and it is essential that the children are in school every day to ensure they do not miss out on any learning or opportunities.
At the end of each term, every child with 100% attendance will have 100 Track-It Lights credited to their account for them to spend in our rewards shop.
Year 4 Readers
Reading for pleasure is a focus in Year 4 as across the school and we enjoy hearing all our children read regularly and we read to them daily. We all have our favourite authors and books which we share with each other. In school we have a well-stocked library and we encourage children to read a range of books.
Below is just a small selection of some of the wonderfully inspiring books your children may wish to read throughout Year 4:
Desirable by Frank Cottrell Boyce
Varjak Paw by SF Said
Operation Gadgetman! By Malorie Blackman
How to train your dragon by Cressida Cowell
The Twits by Roald Dahl
The Brilliant World of Tom Gates by Li Pichon
You’re a Bad Man Mr Gum by Andy Stanton
Grimwood by Nadia Shireen
Anisha Accidental Detective by Serena Patel and Emma McCann
Please let us know if you have any special requests for new books as we are very happy to order them.
Your Well-Being
In Year 4, as in the whole school we consider the well-being and the mental health of our children to be of great importance. We have a dedicated school inclusion team who work with our children. Our Nurture Groups plus Forest School provide children with additional support outside of the classroom too.