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Year 3


A Typical Year 3 Day

The gates open at 8:35am, and children are expected be in school by 8:45am with morning lessons commencing at 8:55am. Guided Reading, Literacy, Spelling and Maths are all taught every morning, five times a week. Afternoon lessons vary from day to day, and include Geography, Science, PE, PSHE, History, Art, Design and Technology and many other exciting subjects.


Every classroom has a current timetable up on their class noticeboard so that the children know what to expect from each day.

What to Bring

In Year 3, children should bring their book bag into school every day with their current reading book(s) and reading diary. 


They should be in full school uniform unless it is a PE day. The agreed school uniform for children is as follows:

  • Navy blue top, jumper, fleece, cardigan or sweatshirt

  • White blouse OR blue/white polo shirt

  • Plain black/grey/navy blue shorts, trousers, skirt or pinafores

  • Blue and white gingham dress in summer

  • Plain tights - blue, black, or navy blue

  • Dark coloured shoes (no open toe or slingbacks)


They should wear their PE kit to school on both a Tuesday and a Wednesday. The agreed PE kit is:​

  • Plain navy blue/white t-shirt or polo shirt 

  • Black, navy or dark grey shorts, leggings or joggers

  • Trainers


Year 3 Homework is set on a Friday and is due back in on a Wednesday. Children are expected to complete one task from the homework grid per week. Guidance on expectations for presentation in our homework books are found at the bottom of the homework grid. 


Our weekly spelling test is also on a Friday. Children are provided with spellings for the half term alongside their homework grid; these can be found inside their homework books. If your child does not have a copy of the homework or the spellings, please speak to the class teacher. 

Year 3 Expectations

Children begin their exciting journey at Inglehurst Junior School in Year 3. The Year 3s have their own designated area where they have quick access to the playground and the dining room. The Year 3 team encourage the children to read at home at least five times a week. 


The children will be supported throughout the year via interventions, catch-up sessions and after-school clubs as well as the usual high-quality teaching all children receive in the year group. 


At home, parents and carers can also do their bit by:

  • Simply asking, ‘What have you learnt today?’

  • Listening to their child read 5 times a week and ask questions about the book they are reading

  • Testing them on their weekly spellings

  • Supporting them with their weekly homework

  • Encouraging them to practise their basic maths and times-table skills using Numbots and Times Table Rockstars. Their log in information is inside their reading diaries.


Trips and Opportunities

Throughout the year, the children get the opportunity to experience some wonderful trips and events at school. 


In the Spring term, children get the opportunity to be historians and experience what life was like living in a castle and defending it. We travel back in time and visit Warwick Castle to immerse ourselves in real life history.


Another favourite trip in Y3 is our trip to Bradgate Park. The children get the opportunity to explore the natural features of the park, walking up huge, steep hills, following the river and observing the wildlife around them.


Science week is a much-loved week in the diary for Y3. The children get to visit other year groups and classrooms and become scientists for the week exploring and investigating fun scientific activities. 
It is not only out of the classroom where the children get to experience lots of fun learning opportunities. In Year 3, the opportunities for learning are endless and include:

  • Creating fossils in Science

  • Learning about different types of rocks using sweets

  • Creating diorama rivers in Geography 

  • Teaching the rest of the school about Diwali with our special assembly 

  • Joining in the Our Best Book in Reading 

  • Sports Clubs and Competitions in P.E 



As with all year groups at Inglehurst, it is expected that your child attends school every day with any necessary absences being reported to the office as soon as possible. Each day in school is a new opportunity for learning and it is essential that the children are in school every day to ensure they do not miss out on any learning or opportunities. 


At the end of each term, every child with 100% attendance will have 100 TrackIt Lights credited to their account for them to spend in our rewards shop.

Year 3 Readers

Reading for pleasure is a focus in Year 3 as across the school and we enjoy hearing all our children read regularly and we read to them daily. We all have our favourite authors and books which we share with each other. In school we have a well-stocked library and we encourage children to read a range of books.


Below is just a small selection of some of the wonderfully inspiring books your children may wish to read throughout Year 3:

  • Stone Aged Boy by Satoshi Kitamura

  • The Iron Man by Ted Hughes

  • Too Small Tola Gets Tough by Atinuke

  • The Minpins by Roald Dahl

  • The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt

  • The Big Book of the Blue By Yuval Zommer

  • The Boy Who Grew Dragons by Andy Shepherd

  • What the Romans did for us by Alison Hawes

  • Hansel and Gretel by Anthony Browne

  • Malala’s Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai

Your Well-Being

In Year 3, as with the whole school, we consider the well-being and the mental health of our children to be of great importance. We understand that it can be extra challenging in Year 3 with starting a brand new school, so we arrange a transition programme with Inglehurst Infant School. In the Summer term, we organise an after school club and invite the children when they are Year two children to visit the IJS and participate in fun activities, meet the staff and have a tour of their new school. We also offer support to help the children adapt to their new environment. Mrs Farren, Miss Orton and Mr Hoga run check in sessions where children can go and speak to them with any concerns they have.


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