Our Vision

Our vision here at Inglehurst is very simple – we want everyone to be the very best ‘me’ that they can be and we are tireless in pursuit of this goal.
At Inglehurst Junior School, we are so much more than a school. We are the centre of our community: a place to learn, a place to feel safe, a place to find help, and a place to have fun. We give our children whatever they need to succeed and no one is left behind. We work together, play together and laugh together. IJS is a school where eyes are opened to a world of hope, chance and opportunity, and children leave resilient, respectful and ready to thrive.
Our Values

At Inglehurst Junior School, we believe that all children should be happy and valued as individuals who are empowered by education and gifted with values. We strive to develop curiosity and creativity in children to enable them to be successful, self-aware citizens who make positive contributions to the world in which they live.
We re-launched our values in September 2023 with the aim of making them memorable, valued and commonly understood by our whole school community. Our 5 core values are:

Our Ethos

At Inglehurst Junior School, one of our core beliefs is respect for others, and we place a strong emphasis on building rapport and developing strong relationships. Our school is reflective of modern Britain today with a wide range of cultures, ethnicities, religions and social backgrounds represented and our caring and supportive learning environment is fundamental in ensuring that diversity is recognised and celebrated.
Our approach to conflict is that of restorative practice, an approach which separates the behaviour from the person. Restorative practice is a way of working with conflict that puts the focus on repairing the harm that has been done. It is an approach to conflict resolution that includes all of the parties involved. Such an approach can only be effective in a school where relationship and rapport are key to everything we do.