At IJS, we know that safeguarding and protecting the welfare of our children is everyone’s responsibility. And in order to fulfil that role we make sure that our approach to looking after our children is always “child- centred”- everything we do at IJS is in the best interests of our children.
Our child protection system includes a wide range of services and staff. We believe that by protecting our children from harm and preventing damage to their health or development, then we can provide safe effective care that will allow everyone to achieve “their best possible outcomes”.
We have a Designated Safe Guarding Lead in school and 7 Deputy Safe Guarding Leads.
Please see our pupil safeguarding video (made by our pupils) below - a new one with updated staffing coming soon...

Safeguarding Team

Lindsay Lovell
Deputy Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Joanna Lowe
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Stacey Wheeler
Assistant Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Jean Morris
Welfare Manager
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Elaine Beatt
Inclusion Coordinator
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Richard Smith
DSP Lead
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Joel Sherrard
Assistant Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Lois Farren
Behaviour/Inclusion Manager
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
The safe guarding leads in school are all well trained, dedicated staff, responsible for a wide range of safeguarding areas, these include:
Listening to and working with children who are in need of help
Supporting staff in their Safe guarding responsibilities in school
Offering advice, guidance and support services to families of children
Organising and monitoring Safeguarding training for ALL staff
Safely recruiting and checking all school employees
Educating all children on keeping themselves safe
Creating and monitoring policies, procedures and records, that support a quality service.
Working closely with external agencies such as Social Care, Health care and the Police
So, if you, your children or anybody connected to our school have any concerns regarding the safety and protection of a child at or connected to Inglehurst Junior School, please ask to speak to any of our Designated Safe Guarding Leads at any time.
If you would like advice, help or support with any issues that relate to the safety and protection of you and your family please come and talk to any of the Designated Safeguarding Leads at any time.
We can and have helped many families recently in areas such as:
Behaviour of children
Mental Health
Child Care
Social Care
We also have parent support groups that take place within school that offer both the chance to share with others and learn from specialists.
Everyone at IJS is keen to improve the safeguarding service we offer to our school community so we would very much like to hear from you if you have any ideas or suggestions that would help us to do just that.
If you have an immediate concern and feel that a child is at risk of significant harm or danger please contact the police. You can also contact Leicester City Council Children's Social Care and Early Help who will be able to offer further advice and guidance.
They can be contacted on (0116) 4541004.
Leicester Safeguarding Children Board: