“Music is the universal language of mankind.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
As a school, we believe that music is an influential method of communication. Music conveys intellect, feelings and expression. As an important part of culture, past and present, it helps pupils understand and relate to others, building links between the home, school and the wider world.
As a school which prides itself on providing a range opportunities for children to express themselves, our music curriculum and wider linked opportunities are something which we are very proud of. At Inglehurst Junior School, music is a subject which our pupils really enjoy.
Our music curriculum follows a spiral approach to knowledge and skills progression. Each year, our children build upon their knowledge from previous years in the following key areas:
The history of music
Inter-related dimensions of music:
pulse, pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure, appropriate musical notation
Our pupils have told us that they really enjoy learning about music, learning to sing as well as learning to play a variety of instruments. For this reason, we are happy to be able to offer a range of curricular and extra-curricular opportunities, all of which feature music at the heart of them.
Currently we offer
Whole class Glockenspiel lessons in Year 3
Whole class Djembe lessons in Year 4 and 6
Clarinet lessons
Singing (assemblies, in class and performances)
A school choir (who perform at a variety of events)
Guitar Club
Rocksteady rock band (taught by an external agency)
Various productions throughout the year
For additional information please view the documents below or contact Mr Sherrard (Subject Lead).
Pupil Voice
Year 3
“My best thing about music is singing and learning about new music.”
“I love getting to audition for things. I am really happy that I got to try out for the Rock band.”
“I love music! I like melodies, quiet and loud sounds.”
“My favourite day was when I got to audition for the band with because it was fun.”
“I like playing instruments.”
Year 4
“I like music because I like learning to be a performer.”
“I like music when we are playing instruments and making tunes. It’s fun!”
Year 5
“My favourite thing about music is being in a rock band.”
“I love playing the drums and being in my band.”
“My favourite thing about school is being in the shows that Mr Sherrard does. I’ve loved being in Matilda.”
Year 6
“Over the years, I’ve enjoyed being in the choir. We got to go to ‘Orchestra Unwrapped’ and sing with a real orchestra.”
"My favourite time during the week is singing assembly! It is always fun."
What we are most proud of:
“We made a tune using syllables.”
“We used the xylophone and practiced beats and double beats.”
“I liked pulse body percussion.”
What we can do if we are struggling in lesson:
“I keep trying.”
“We can ask a friend to help us.”
“I try and do it myself and then if I can’t, I can ask the teacher for some help.”
How do the teachers help you in lessons?
“The teachers show us and tell us.”
“The teacher helps us work through a problem if I get stuck.”
What did you learn last year that has helped you this year?
“I did repeating patterns last year. The symbols I learnt helped me this year because I knew them.”
“In year 2 I used instruments to make a melody, this helped me with beats and rhythms in Year 3.”
Music Gallery
Additional Documents