
High Expectations
At Inglehurst Junior school there are high expectations in relation to the behaviour of our pupils. All children are encouraged to understand their rights and responsibilities and behave accordingly. They can expect others to treat them with respect and they are expected to treat others with respect at all times. Parents/carers are encouraged to support these values both at home and in school.
There are clear guidelines, within the behaviour policy, for addressing issues that may arise if a member of our school community does not treat others with the rights and respect they are entitled to. The school Behaviour Mentor works within the guidelines assisting children to recognise and understand the importance of our values.
Trackit Lights
Outstanding behaviour and continued respect for others is rewarded, celebrated, and tracked by our use of Trackit Lights. Trackit Lights is a permanent feature on every classroom's interactive whiteboard. It’s an engaging, motivational behaviour management tool bar that allows teachers to
quickly log positive and negative behaviour and motivate pupils.
Children are rewarded with green points for their hard work, use of manners, their
care and consideration towards others, their politeness, and many other things.
Accumulated points can then be 'spent' once a month at the Trolley of Treasures -
where pupils can pick from a huge range of gifts from pencils and slime, to boards
games and scooters, and even a Kindle Fire!
Negative behaviour is also logged as either an Amber (a first warning), a Yellow (negative behaviour must stop), or Red (negative behaviour has gone too far).
Restorative Approach
We take a restorative approach to negative behaviour. Many schools are now turning to restorative approaches also known as restorative practice to create a harmonious learning environment where pupils are able to self-regulate their own behaviour and learning. Restorative approaches have been found very effective in improving behaviour and learning in both a primary and secondary setting where implemented as a whole school approach.
Restorative approaches are based on four key features:
RESPECT: for everyone by listening to other opinions and learning to value them
RESPONSIBILITY: taking responsibility for your own actions
REPAIR: developing the skills within our school community so that its individual members have the necessary skills to identify solutions that repair harm and ensure behaviour are not repeated
RE-INTEGRATION: working through a structured, supportive process that aims to solve the problem and allows young people to remain in mainstream education.