At Inglehurst Junior School, we are passionate about learning and one of our favourite subjects across the school is Design & Technology! And here’s why…
Our Approach
Living in an ever-changing technological world, our curriculum has been carefully thought out and designed to meet the interest and needs of our school community. Design & Technology at IJS provides our children with a well-structured and sequenced approach, offering opportunities for our young learners to apply their knowledge and skills through the process of designing, making and evaluating.
Our students are actively encouraged to try new things, take risks and be creative. Design & Technology is the perfect subject for all of these things as it allows for trial and error. Through evaluating their own and other people’s creations, our students are able to progress and have the confidence to explore their learning further. We proudly support our students when they step out of their comfort zone, after all, what’s the worst that could happen?
Something for Everyone
Here at IJS, our young learners take great enjoyment from our Design & Technology lessons as it covers many topics within it. Whether they’re interested in cars and their mechanical systems to cooking and adapting recipes, there is definitely something for everyone.